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How To Make Your Fave Jeans Fit 20 Years Later

 Omg! I am horrified!!! While my body is aging my mind isn't. And I'm kinda like Peter Pan and I never want to grow up! 

The hair is starting to go grey round the edges.....  and in the middle and on the sides and the skin is well, it's not where it should be. And what's up with this under eye bag BS??? 

Shall we have a wee complain about the middle region? Anyone got a puncture and need a spare tyre? Anyone?? I got one above the hips and below the boobs you can have!


How bout them thighs, and that booty? More dimples than a goofball! Gravity  has taken over!  I knowwww the struggles!!! Now what do we do about it?

Well we have 2 choices. We can either accept ourselves the way we are and be happy or we can exercise, diet and do healthy things... And be happy. I hesitated because I'm lazy and the very thought of breaking a sweat makes me break into a sweat. However I hear exercising releases endorphins and creates a feel good feeling! I'll let you know... one day... maybe?!?!

Me personally... I'm going with option #1. I like my food too much!!! But it's also brought it's wee problems, like not being able to fit a favourite pair of jeans!! So today I added inserts! I'm not a sewer.... yet! But the more I do it the better I will get. This is my first fabric craft project the I have done and while it's not perfect, it fits!!! And that's all I need it to do. Oh and look trendy of course too. 

This entire project cost me nothing but time. My favourite pair of jeans I've had for ages and I have certainly got my moneys worth out of them. St. Vincent de Pauls was having a free day so I loaded up on as many pairs of jeans as I could stuff into my bag and the thread was my Mum's!

How To Make...

This is not a professional tutorial. This is just how I made them which is hori (rough) af! But it worked (I don't know how??) and they fit and they look all good!!!

1. Unpick the outside seam of each leg and cut the band if there is one so both legs are seperated.

2. I found a denim square that I liked the size of and had previously cut up and put into a box for later use. I then got all the other squares that were the same size or bigger and cut them to the size of the first square so they all matched...ish.

3. I then pulled the sewing machine out and stitched a few together in lines till I was just past the length of the jeans. This is so I had enough left over to fold and make a cuff on the bottom and a tidy seam on the waistband.

4. As usual the measuring tape was missing so I untied my dressing gown belt and wrapped that round my waist to get the measurement, securing a pin to mark it and then transferred it to the jeans. Running the dressing gown belt round the outside of my jeans. Halving the remaining bit of the belt was how I knew how much material I needed for each leg. And low and behold would you believe the size square I originally chose was just perfect. That was just pure luck I swear!!!

5. The rest was easy...

I folded the jeans inside out and with the rough side of the strip of squares facing out too, attached it to each side of each leg with pins. Holy, when I read that back it I get tongue tied but I'm hoping it makes sense?? Good side facing in, rough side facing out? Then just zip up each part with a straight stitch. I even had where the old stitches were to make a neat guide that definitely helped keep my sewing tidier.

NOTE: I zig-zagged stitched all the raw edges and ironed down all the seams as I sewed them to keep them flat and neat.



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